Information about the company
The company was established in 1997 and focused on production of cabinet making and felling saw blades and saw blades for cutting wood, metals, plastics and paper, perforating blades for paper industry, disk saws with SK blade up to the diameter of 200 mm and hand saws with SK blade for building industry.
We import certified strip steel supplied by German company Hugo Schmitz in the HS-SS quality and by Swedish manufacturer UDDEHOLM in the UHB 15 quality for our products which guarantees the top quality.
Technology of German company Vollmer is utilized for grinding while welding is carried out on the machines supplied by the company Ideal.
We also perform service of all wood processing tools (SK disks, planing knives, wood cutting mills, saw chains).
Production of gauges and saw setting units for saw blades represents another activity. We also perform counselling activities and adjustments of saw mills.
Our business activities cover also sale of wood processing tools and abrasive materials.